Health events have been held by the Hindu Forum in the past for the general community not just for Hindu’s. Delivering insight into health issues that affect the general public. These events have been successful in the past and is well received by all who attend.
The events have been themed around the health concerns that are current e.g. Diabetes, HF, Chronic illnesses, Blood Pressure, Obesity
The format of the events include inviting guest speakers on the specialist subject areas and matter experts. Invitation is also sent to services that can create a workshop style set-up so that people can visit stands and learn more about individual areas of interest. Our speakers have included Consultants, Dr, Nurses and general specialists on their areas of specialism. Stands are setup by the invited bodies e.g. hospital, CCG, private stands and awareness stands for public organizations.
Hindu Forum – Walsall held a very well attended and successful health event for whole of the community, main focus was to allow people to learn about the most prevalent health issues that we are all facing in these modern times. This event was planned over a six month period and would not have been possible without the support of our partners Shree Ram Mandir (Walsall), Walsall Council, Near Neighbours, Walsall Manor Hospital NHS Trust,Walsall Multi-Faith Forum and Afghanistan Community Centre.
Health themes covered included: Dementia, Mental Health, Organ & Blood Donation, General Health & Well Being, Yoga & Water Therapy, Head Massage and Indian cooking without using oil.
Some of the highlights can be found using the YouTube clip below.
We would like to thank our Health Event steering team lead by Krishna Patel & Sangeeta Patel, the specialist speakers, stall holders and importantly the public that made every effort to attend on the day that made it a very special day.